Director of Health, Athletics, Physical Education, and Wellness
Email Christian McCarthy
(914) 763-7254
Welcome to Athletics
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The Official Instagram of the John Jay Cross River Wolves!
Athletic Trainer Supports Student-Athletes

Christian Tsakanikas
Meet Christian Tsakanikas —John Jay’s Certified Athletic Trainer. He works with all student athletes to improve their health and conditioning.
He also attends all home games and is on call for all practices; if a student athlete is injured, Tsakanikas is the first responder. He assesses the student’s injuries and provide physical therapy and rehabilitation to return athletes to their sport while minimizing the risk of re-injury.
He is a Licensed and Certified Athletic Trainer and Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Athletic Training and is a USA Weightlifting, Sports Performance Coach.
Our Varsity Volleyball team is competing in the NYSPHSAA Regional Finals on Saturday, November 16th at Yorktown High School!
General Admission: $10
Senior Citizens (62+)/Veterans: $5
Under 5: Complimentary Admission
Tickets can be purchased online using the link below which is the preferred option.
GoFan Volleyball Tickets
Live Streaming: The game will be live streamed through HUDL TV. Please use the following link to gain access to all Regional games Once you are on the HUDL app please put in Yorktown High School in the SEARCH HUDL FAN and select the school. The game will go live 5 minutes prior to the start time.
Athletic Calendars
Fall Sports
Winter Sports
Spring Sports
Upcoming Sports Information
High School Sports:
Tryout Dates for all Varsity, JV, Freshman Teams:
Monday, November 18th
High School Sports Offerings: Boys Alpine Ski, Girls Alpine Ski, Boys Basketball, Girls Basketball, Bowling, Gymnastics, Boys Ice Hockey, Girls Ice Hockey, Indoor Track & Field, Boys Swimming, Wrestling
Varsity and JV Sports Registration:
Registration is currently open
Athletic Placement Process (APP)
Middle School Sports:
Modified Winter Sports Interest Meeting: November 26th at 3 PM in the JJMS New Gym
Modified Sports Offerings: Boys Basketball, Girls Basketball, Indoor Track & Field, Wrestling
Tryout Dates for Modified Sports: Tuesday, December 3, 2024
Modified Sports Registration:
Registration is currently open
High School Sports:
Tryout Dates for all Varsity and JV Teams:
Monday, March 17thHigh School Sports Offerings: Baseball, Flag Football, Golf, Boys Lacrosse, Softball, Boys Tennis, Track & Field, Unified Bowling, Unified Basketball
Varsity and JV Sports Registration:
Registration will open TBD
Athletic Placement Process (APP)
Middle School Sports:
Modified Spring Sports Interest Meeting: March 25th at 3 PM in the JJMS New Gym
Modified Sports Offerings: Baseball, Boys Lacrosse, Girls Lacrosse, Softball, Track & Field
Tryout Dates for Modified Sports: Tuesday, April 1, 2025
Modified Sports Registration:
Registration will open TBD