Email Lenore Person
(914) 420 6864 (cell)
Workplace Violence Prevention
Curriculum & Instruction
Human Resources
PTO Sites
Donation to District
Dear families,
Clear communication is a vital link in the relationship between schools and families. In addition to the news shared by the superintendent and school principals, please be sure to check out the following communications from the Katonah-Lewisboro School District:
Follow KLSD on Facebook and Instagram for daily updates.
KLSD community newsletter is emailed monthly.
KLSD Budget Newsletter is mailed in May.
Lenore Person, Communications Specialist
Email Lenore Person
(914) 420 6864 (cell)
The KLSD app is available in your app store! It makes it easy to stay up-to-date with school announcements, learn about upcoming events and access contact information quickly.
(link coming soon)
Community members only!
District families are signed up automatically.